Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, May 9, 2004]

My eyes are so tired... I'm going to *try* and make this short... TRYING!

Tried to use the alarm clock and cellphone again to wake me up... I turned them off again and got up an hour after it rang so it sorta helped. I called up Amy to check if she could give me a ride but she had lessons at the time. My parents wanted to go out and eat so I changed and got ready. Amy called a bit later and we decided to meet up later instead. Had lunch on the noodle house on Graville where we had to wait forever for a seat because it was packed. We tried out that cheap seaweed that everyone seems to like to order there and it turned out alright. Sour... cold.. flimsy.. green. Nothing overly special though.. not sure why it's so popular. Got a call from... I don't remember... about the change of plans. They said Stanley Park so I hesitated about going and decided not to. After we finished eating, I reconsidered and decided to follow them. They didn't have lunch yet so I met them at... Golden Award (I think is the name?) and got the seats first cuz I got there early. I was surprised I got there before they did; from Vancouver -> Richmond, compared to Richmond Superstore -> Richmond Golden Award. Hmph... We sat around and watched Sally and Tony C. eat while Jon and Tony K drank their pop and Simon, Amy and I enjoyed our free tea. More talking talking talking and then they said we'd go biking at Stanley Park. Hmm, apparently I was unluckily in a skirt and lots of other people had to go home to pick up things and change. We made haste and left... I decided not to bike and ride scooters instead (whee~) so we skipped my house and headed to Simon's to get his bike. The effort of taking out the bike and making room for it in Amy's car was a waste because it wouldn't even FIT. Then Tony C suddenly calls and says he doesn't know the way there so we suggest to all ride in one car. Simon's car was also free but we didn't need it so next we went to Amy's. Tony C arrives and announces that we'll need more cars because he'll have to leave earlier, forcing Amy to drive anyway. We all agreed on a meeting location and finally made our way there to Stanley Park.

(too detailed.. I can't help it)

We arrived and met up with MORE people. We stood around for Tony C's crew to arrive, since they had all the stuff. Wendy and Jon pestered drivers who were leaving for their paid all-day tickets but was unsuccessful. Amy and I geared up our scooters as we made our way to an open area beside Georgia St. We opened up our newly bought kites and started flying. Amy and I had teh Disney PRINCESSES kite and rocked with it for it lasted the longest and didn't fall at all (well at the very end). Everyone had a turn at making the more expensive "Patriot" kite fly (had two strings -- more "advanced") while we kept our princess flying the whole time. Finally Amy and I decided to tackle the challenge and successfully made it fly for at least 15+ seconds compared to the other attempts when it just shot down right when it lifted off. The sun was already setting so we gave up (for now -- still proud that we kept it in control the longest XD) and headed out for dinner @ iCafe. Amy and I took the scenic route around Stanley Park (because we missed the exit and had to go around the whole park once since the roads were one way) and arrived last. Everything was expensive... so I had something relatively cheaper, sacrificing soup and a drink for a few ($5+) dollars. The rest of the crew went to Mike's place afterwards... Amy and I were too dead tired (from all the crazy kite running) so we headed home... but headed the wrong way. We went west instead of east and realized only when we reached Alma St. (Cambie St > Alma St) and turned around after a bit of gas refilling. Felt icky and dirty (stupid heel-less shoes kept catching all sorts of dirt)(I smell like sunblock too -- still do, a little) so the shower when I got home was really (super) nice and refreshing~ Ah~

Now my eyes are going to pop. GOod nightttttt...

We should go kiting more often. :D


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