Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, May 2, 2004]

It's been a while... I can't remember what has happened in the last two weeks. Time flies by too fast...

I've been job searching a bit. Only applied to two places though.... meh, lack of effort. So many places hiring at this time too...

So! It's Eleanor's birthday today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Woke up early to join my family for dim sum with my brother's girlfriend. She decided to treat us because my mom was angry at her for forcing my bro to go with her to Malaysia to attend a wedding at this time of year. My mom's emotional level was going up and down the whole time (happy to angry and around again) so I didn't know what to think. We ate a lot though... it was a total of ~$60 at the end so wow. Soon later, Fish came and picked me up to go rent a video with Eleanor. We picked up Der on the way, leaving us slightly behind schedule. We made our way to Kerrisdale Blockbuster and after some thought, picked out Lost in Translation. Next, we rushed to Plant Lazer and arrived on time, 'cept no one else was there... oh, yeah, Angus was. Eleanor called up and rushed the other missing bodies while we filled out the entry form. I couldn't get my free game, so I had to pay both games, which I did not plan to do since I was lacking in money. Instead, I got two free games for the next time I visit (which is never). The Simon, Pat and Darren crew didn't arrive on time, so we started without them. Before we entered the game area, we were greeted by a bunch of sweaty children of all sizes as they looked up to check their scores. As lovely as it may seem, we were then required to wear their sweaty vests and use their sweaty guns. w00t! The first game started, and I messed up big time. As a person who hasn't played for over 8 years, I'm pretty much a newbie again... The worst things about lazer tag were the annoying little children that kicked out asses easily by stalking us and mad shooting while standing there, and the lack of air con in the building. I ended up ranking 17 (I think?) out of 20 something in the first game and 15 out of 30 something in the second. I used rapid fire in the second game constantly which brought down my accuracy by a lot, but I hit more people :E It was fun nonetheless, but the frustration of not knowing what the "Destroyed" noise is and if you actually hit the target or not pissed me off. Amy and I teamed up in the second game and watched each others backs while we kicked some better ass than in the first game. We finished and decided to go to McDix for something cold. When we got there, we couldn't decide what to buy so we left quickly after. Went to E-Spot and dropped off Eleanor and Der while we went to pick up Jo and the cake. Suddenly we were called to pick up Catherine too, and so we did. Went to pick up the cake, dropped up Jo and Catherine at Shabusen and returned to E-Spot. Because of that, we ran late some more. When we arrived at Shabusen, they already started eating without us. The tables were overflowing with food... so much that we didn't have room to eat. The meal felt rushed and unfinished but we were forced out of our tables because of another reservation. The giant cake "that was bigger than Jo's head" and was "as big as Fishy's head"... and is just REALLY big, so big that a party of 20 couldn't finish (at least half of it is left), was brought out for show. It took her 3+ blows to blow out one candle. And there was apparently a hot waiter that I did not notice... But he did a crap job taking pictures though. Cuz I was pushing my hair away when he took the shot.. urg, fist. We hastely finished our all you can eat food and put the cake away. We then went to Fish's house for MJ, movie, cake, games and presents. First we had the super sweet cake that felt like you were eating an endless chocolate bar. Then Eleanor's sister came and mixed us some strange drinks... and yes it was nice of her. And Jo told me that little girls shouldn't drink alcohol... Yes, right. Then while the guys played X-Box hockey (that btw looks like crap), we went and played MJ. Then, we came up and watched Eleanor open presents. Then, they had this X-Box tetris game that LOOKED cool but was crap too... and I tried that. I kicked a few asses while I was at it but my eyes started to water really badly so I stopped. I went downstairs and moped around and didn't feel like playing... apparently, no one watched the movie we rented. Meh, was a waste eh. Got bored, so I came upstairs and joined Jo in the office room to surf around. So yeah I'm here now blogging.

Oh and Eleanor present was so damn expensive. XD But pretty.. and got enough people to chip in for it. It's really pretty... XD I wanted stuff from that shop toooo... Piccini, I think yeah.

Mmm... I just tasted some "Baja Rosa"... imported tequila and strawberry crene liquor that smells and tastes like strawberry yogurt mmm~


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