Tango Appassionata

[Thursday, May 6, 2004]

MONDAY! We watched "Lost in Translation" at teh Fish's house. Jo wanted to finish the "6 month old Smirnoff" (mah sexxy Vanilla Twist) so she bought and brought coke and we all tried to finish it but couldn't. Back to the storage it goes... :< Due to Eleanor's bad planning skills, we were delayed and people came at different times. We started the movie around 8 and ended at 10... Elie fled to *refers to her blog* drink BUBBLE TEA with some other people while the rest of us figured out what to do. Fish, Simon and I didn't have dinner yet so after a long discussion we decided on all-you-can-eat sushi @ SuiShaYa~ We ordered a large sake there because Amy didn't want food... We all sipped and ate and got rushed to finish before they closed. That reminds me, I have to scan our receipt.. something good there. Someone's gotta remind me sometime again soon... Amy was being stubborn and persisted that she'd drive home (when she's on alcohol) so we had to follow behind her. Oh and she claims she didn't know she was driving at 90km/h, freaking out all of us~ >____<;

Iei~ I sold my Marketing book to Polina Tues and made myself some money. I should be giving it back to my mom but nah, I'm going to be greedy and keep it. I NEED MONEY GAWDDAMMIT; SOMEONE GIMMIE A JOB!

Jo and I planned on going to the Please Mum job fair in Metro originally but felt the journey there was too long and decided not to go. After I drove my mom to work in the morning, we went to Richmond! Once again we left the house just in-time to listen to the Todd and Karen show on the Fox. Strange timings... We dropped by my favourite bookstore (Iwaseeee~) and picked up .hack//UdeDen Vol.3~ Soo damn thick! Unfortunately my monthly mag hasn't come yet so I'll have to wait some more. I finally tried using my gift card that I graciously got for my BIRTHDAY! (Kyaa, coolest thing ever!) It took them a while to figure out how to use it though.. they called some people a few times and made us stand around for a bit. Jo said the sales people were "Trainees" so we couldn't blame them...

We made our way to Richmond Centre and went our separate ways to pick up applications. I wandered around and met up with Jo later on. I was empty handed while she was filling like mad on the ones she picked up. Meh, I was too chicken to pick up any actually so I watched her fill out forms while I began craving for food. I wanted a McDix McChicken after Jo was done but we didn't realize how long it took her to fill them out... Soon enough it was already almost 7 and we had to get going. Jo helped me hand in a few resumes before we left though... :D

Ooh, I recently got hooked on the manga Paradise Kiss which I luckily picked up at the VPL a week ago and began reading recently. I've heard about it in the past but haven't cared much about it until now~ There were only volumes 1, 2 and 4 but it was gooooot~ Except the fact that it was in chinese and I couldn't understand a damn thing, the drawings are wow and the story's pretty good too... even though I'm only judging by the drawings that lead me to think so. :D Now too bad this thing's licensed or I could pick up some scanlations on the web... and if I looked hard enough I'd probably find it though. But maybe I'll buy this series instead.... it's only an issue of if I have money or not.. which brings it back to: I NEED A JOB.


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