Tango Appassionata

[Saturday, May 15, 2004]

Yay for Troy

Woke up late, met up with Jo late and headed out late. We had TV Dinners at my place for our late lunch. We headed to Pacific Border to check out the super sale. Saw lots of nice clothes but had no money. I eyed a cool hoody but it was slightly beyond my budget. Jo got something and then we made our way to Safeway for the food. We visited Sam B. at the cashier and quickly got to Jerry's place. By then, only 3 people (Jerry, Simon, Elie) were there and they started watching Totoro with crap subtitles. Amy came and we realized we didn't know how to surprise her so all of us hid in the bathroom as Jerry stalled her. Took her a while to find us and tried to scare us out by turning on/off the bathroom fan and lights. We considered buying the tickets for the movie online so we tried it out. Unfortunately you couldn't buy the tickets for TROY at SILVERCITY RIVERPORT ONLY. Fustrated, we hurried up Mike to get here with his car (since he's always the designated driver guy) since the majority who came with a car didn't want to drive because of the nasty gas prices (99.5/L). Soon, Paul and Angus showed up and joined us in the continuation of Totoro as we waited for Mr. Taxi-Man. We started making hotdogs and burgers but the buns were rather difficult to chew. Mike finally arrived, so we hastly drove Riverport, bought the tickets and started lining up to get in. We stood/sat for at least a half n hour before we were let in. We sat for another half n hour before the movie actually started. We put bets on how many times a particular advertisement would show up before the movie started and also managed to refilled on pop and popcorn.

The movie... it was.. GREAT; GOOD; WOW XD... I loved it lots. I had to go to the washroom midway through the movie (I was full; next to bursting) but the movie pulled me back in and I totally forgot I had to go. :D Exciting and fun and of course, Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom were teh COOL and teh hawt stuff~! <3 The events were mangled, there was a dirty spot on the screen that got in the way a few times, the people beside us chattered a bit too much at times (and too loudly even if it was two or three words), and a bunch of girls in the back giggled a few times a bit too loudly lol... lots of nice nakedy shots though lol, no wonder Jo said it was rated R in the US.

Whee, after the enjoyable movie, we returns to Jerry's place as Mike went back home to get ketchup and Sally that decided to join us. Amy and Paul left as soon as we arrived. The rest of us finished watching Totoro and headed to the basement for MJ and Pool. We sent a few people out to bring us back some Bubble Tea. Everyone else gradually departed leaving Jerry, Simon, Mike, Sally and myself there. I took the time to visit Jerry's TATAMI ROOM! I had fun opening and closing the door and snoozing on the table in the floor. It must be nice to have their very own Tatami room in their very own house... XD And to think, they're selling the house! Anyways, Sally went to made phone calls so I took over her spot for MJ and won the biggest win of the night of a "Overflow" or "No room" or "Full" or what I call "Explosion!" hand taking $512 from everyone. :D I swear it must be from sitting in Sally's lucky seat where she continuously beat everyone all night. Finally we called it quits and got going. We dropped Sally off first because she was the farthest. Mike started complaining that he was hungry so we stopped by McDix and then decided to visit Tony C at his graveyard shift. We bought a bit from him and drove back along the empty streets at 4AM.

*yawn* My hair's finally dry. I'll go to bed now. :)


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