Tango Appassionata

[Saturday, March 30, 2002]


We went and ordered pizza yesterday, but we went to pick it up instead because we wanted to save a few bucks. They mistakenly made the wrong kind of pizza (we wanted thin crust for our pepperoni lover but then gave us a pan) so we brought it back for a refund. My dad didn't mind the wait, so instead we waited for another 15 mins for the right pizza. And on top of that, they gave us the other pizza for free too. We had 3 pizzas in total.. @_@ So thus, I ate it again for dinner today. Parents didn't want pizza though so they made their own food.


Where you go, a party follows.
You have a style all your own, and well.. you're just kakkoii.
Hey..where did all these strippers come from??

"Which L'Arc~en~Ciel song am I?" test by mifyuu

[Friday, March 29, 2002]


Easter break already. What relief~!

Our Japanese teacher told us this morning that a bunch of Japanese transfer students were supposed to visit and join our class today for the morning. However, something went wrong with their schedule, so they couldn't make it on time. It was even worse to hear that they were going to arrive in the afternoon and join the OTHER Japanese class INSTEAD. Well anyway, after that class, we had the grade assembly. It wasn't anything special, only except the fact that we had a bloody hellofabitchy Vice Principle speak to us, and just because we hate her and her guts. At lunch, though, the other japanese transfer students (another group) which came paired up with another student (like last year... but only available for those 'beginner japanese 11/japanese 10' students) had their party. Disappointingly, none of them (guys--even though there were only 2) were up to standards (why do I even bother mentioning this? =P). Although... Kenta's kind of a cooly-lookin' gang kid. Probably the only decent? XP

Moving on... we had a splended group discussion of the first three scenes of the first act of Macbeth. The teacher still doesn't remember we haven't done our presentations yet. I wonder why I didn't mention it to him... While returning to my locker, I passed by the Japanese class and I found the whole room packed with Japanese exchange students! They were cuuuuute little children around the age of 13! Well, I couldn't stay because I still had a class to go to. Then the last class was boredville. Nothing more to add to that. Right after, I returned to the japanese class and we had the most oddest conversations. They were awfully nice (handing around origami.. o_o) and were quite the funny bunch. Eleanor (for some reason) had to tell them about her preferences of a tall, older japanese student and one of the young ones went and lead one of the older kids to her. LOL, we didn't expect the little kid to comprehend the situation and actually go and get one. XP The only other elder students were 20 and 17. Though their age didn't match their appearance whatsoever, so we were surprised when we found out. Okay by then, I was late for "I" block. It seemed to be the second last day of the class itself. Thank goodness for that. "Rat-tailed girl" brought some homemade cake and the rest of that class was spared.

Oh, I also went and celebrated my birthday with my family (only) by eating JAPANESE FOOD! That's funny, I felt like highlighting my day and I did.

[Wednesday, March 27, 2002]


C-C-Cold! And it rains. What could be better? Oh yeah, it also hailed yesterday too.

I had this urge to eat all day today. And I still do now. This morning I woke up, hungry (for some reason; usually I don't) so I had myself one of those sweet ice cream bally thingies (it's called yuki something). I got to school and took out half of my lunch and took a big bite out of my sandwich, hoping the urge would go away. But because its presence was around, I couldn't work on my program in class. After that class, I took another bite out of my sandwich. At lunch, I finished my lunch off of course, BUT! I went and bought myself some fries (yeesh, eh? XP)... Okay, now I got home a bit earlier and had a piece of apple pie. Now, I'm still in the need for more to chomp. BUT, I shall have to put it off until dinner.

LOL, I just finished watching my friend's Japanese video for their project. Very weird story indeed! Simon cries so fakely funny.. XP

[Monday, March 25, 2002]


I've been sitting here pondering about the topic to talk about for my English speech (still.. yes, still). I finally ended up with the topic about "Wisdom Teeth", however I couldn't really think of the right words to say and how to say it properly. Is it safe to call this writer's block? ..Erm, gunna go try and give it another go!

[Saturday, March 23, 2002]


I forgot to wake up this morrrrrrrrning. Because of spring break, I seem to have lost track of time too. How unfortunate... it's already ending so soon. There's so much I still have to catch up on as well. Where in the world am I going to find a decent PHP-based guestbook that works as good as megabook without too many extra things that aren't necessary?

[Friday, March 22, 2002]


I woke up with a stiff back. Ooh it's horrible. >_<

Wai, I finally watched a movie while Spring Break's still around! Sacha and I went to watch Blade II!!! At first, we thought of watching Time Machine, but reconsidering after recalling bad comments many friends mentioned, we decided not to. Even though we weren't old enough, I just went and used my Debit Card and woosh, we got in. Overall, though, the movie was quite interesting and not too bad. Don't really have much to say about it though... Oh, last thing, Stardust was up again yesterday with a new layout and new journal generator because cgi doesn't seem to work so well on this new server since December. Haven't contacted everyone on the blog about it yet though...

[Thursday, March 21, 2002]


I got my wisdom teeth yanked out early this morning. A side of my face feels numb and my right arm is still somewhat in pain. The intravenous sedation smelled horrible at first... urg, the guy cranked it up at the very end; my head was ringing, the darkness was warping and then slowly everything around just died. Then the next thing I know, I woke up feeling partially dead. Blood tastes disgusting when it's mixed with saliva...

I got the scanner hooked up yesterday like I said I would. And definately scanned some nice pics of him here (his flashback's on the left; ooh somebody's screaming his name in the bottom left box!) and here (the hot guy on the right with that sexy evil smirk!).

[Wednesday, March 20, 2002]


I just lost my entry. ;_; Dunno how it happened... >_< Well err.. screw it.

Snow's melting, spring break's half gone, something's happening tomorrow morning...

I picked up this very interesting manga at the VPLibrary today: D4 Princess. I tried looking around the web for some other information (perhaps some nummy piccies/scans) and I found out that there was an anime for it too (I sort of guessed so already...). Although, comparing the two, it seems like the two were quite different. They made the anime version very kiddish and cutesy (young girl, which was said to be spoiled...), whereas the manga was more mature (bloody, all the characters were "old", nekkedness). AND there's this really cuuuuuuuuute bishi in there too! *swoons* I'll try and make some scans of it later if I get the scanner hooked up.

[Tuesday, March 19, 2002]


Miraculously, it snowed like crazy today. Just days before the beginning of Spring, it SNOWS. At times, the snow was thick, then it became wet and showered, blowing around like mad; it alternated back and forth. My friend phoned me up and urged me to go do their little movie thing again. Due to the snow, and my lack of interest (considering I followed them a few times, wasting bundles of precious time and I was only used ONCE), I didn't know at all. Well because of my choice, I got replaced by this other d00d.

I lost track of time, or so it seems. I came across an actual online "Go" network. Just like the one in Hikaru no Go. "Wooooooowwwwwww", it's fun o_O. 'Cept I got creamed by another n00b beating me by one friggin komi, and because I had to give up in the middle to get away from the computer (boo~). O_O Find me if any of you guys ever decide to Go with me under 'dejiko'. ^_^

[Sunday, March 17, 2002]


Bah, I wasn't allowed to go out today. Parents, for some reason, urged me to stay home. I planned on going out the whole day too... *grumbles*. Ah well, I guess there's still the rest of spring break, which btw, has just started, luckily. This actually might be a bad thing though... it's going to boost my procrastination rate by perhaps 101% or more again. But then again, without this, there wouldn't be a break from school now, would there.

A very inactive day: I woke up late today and missed the first Digimon episode. Blah! Between the morning cartoons, I skipped from tv to computer, burning whatever I finished watching. However, considering my burner's only at 4x ;___; it takes it 15 mins each cd, which means, between commercials breaks or so. I guess I got a bit done either way. My phone started to vibrate, but I ignored it (why??! why?!?!). Parents just left the house, had nothing to do, so I snoozed again. Woke up a bit later and had lunch, then took the whole afternoon (yeah pretty much the WHOLE afternoon) watching Hikaru no Go (more ignored phone vibration -- sounds funny). Then a little bit of Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar, and a bit of Star Ocean EX, and had some Vandread 2nd nummy goodness. Okay, by that time the majority of the day was dead for me. So I'll have to end there.

[Thursday, March 14, 2002]


I'm pooped. The day was weird. We got the second block off because the CAPP class was to be held at lunch. The majority didn't show up, and I was part of that majority. After lunch, it was supposed to be time for my speech but I didn't feel like I was quite ready so I decided not to show up instead. Sacha for some reason didn't even come to school today. I boredly wasted that block playing a weird version of speed that Garth taught me. Bleh. Then in IT, it was my turn to show my mad skillz in Flash by teaching the class a techique of my choice. I taught something super simple: Rays of Light (the one I showed the class an as example was here). But in the beginning-ish middle my gradient fill tool didn't work properly! I was dumbfounded up there, cursing to myself because of the fact that the fill tool only likes to work when it wants to?! Well either way, I had to go around it and do another way.

Just a while ago... I had to deal with a little prick on IRC. Persistant little bastard. View the log. And earlier, because he requested for an anime list from me and I wasn't paying attention to IRC, he banned me for no reason. URG, the hell with him.

[Monday, March 11, 2002]


This time a proper entry! This current layout features KOS-MOS from Xenosaga and a first completed image made with Photoshop. I'm beginning to try and figure out how to use it to its fullest, but it's still quite confusing. The slicing feature is pretty nifty except they don't give as much information as PSP does (e.g. this marqueed text box is ## x ## big or the mouse arrow is at ##, ## of the whole picture). Perhaps it won't be needed anymore? ^_^;;

Wah, luck seems to be on my side today. I was to do my oratoricle speech today, but LUCKILY I didn't get chosen at all. I'm quite relieved, considering I actually didn't really complete the speech itself (just didn't get around to do it =P).


Yoshi! You probably noticed the new layout. Ah, a bad time to blog, should be sleeping right now, talk about it later instead. ^_^;

[Sunday, March 10, 2002]


I know I want to update but I'm not updating. Something's wrong, no?

I've been playing Serious Sam for hours straight at night for the past few nights with my brother and his friends. *closes her eyes* Getting tired... brain hurting... Floating monster heads freak me out.

Lets see, I have a bunch of things to do for this week: Flash "group" (actually I'm doing it individually) project, stay calm when I show my report card, finish my Japanese journals (which were due last week?!), watch more Hikaru no Go (weird, but I like o_o), punch myself for procrastinating(I might not get to this), move stuff out from compu & burn them, do my CAPP project, bloody gosh study math already, finish writing that speech for the Oratoricals(eewie x_x), prepare for SPRING BREAK, update already (yes, yes), ...oi, just dozed off *stares at the time, woops*

[Thursday, March 7, 2002]


We got informed about our grades for the second term. I didn't do as good as expected (like always). But a teacher told me that this year, everything is marked by percentages more than grades. Which is quite a relief, in fact. I don't want to say it, but I'm currently failing math by 3 percent *grits teeth*. The hell with math, why is everybody failing math too this year... Makes me only somewhat more cheerful, knowing the fact that I'm not the only one dying??! *sigh* Don't want to talk about it anymore...

Something on the lighter side: I've gotten a lovely obession over Shaman King lately; and I can't shake it off, nor do I want to. Tao Ren *drool*... Okay, time to go do something productive with my homework.

[Sunday, March 3, 2002]


My precious weekend was wasted somewhat foolishly. Hmm. Ah well. I fear for this upcoming week. I sense disappointment and anxiety. And fear and self pity. Boo.


I went on a downloading spree today. Picked up a lot of anime, still a long way to go before I complete those series though. The most interesting one I picked up was the Kenshin OAV 2, episode 1! At first, I didn't believe it would be out so soon, but when I watched it, my jaw dropped. Hmm, I haven't figured out the real plot of this yet, but considering all the flashbacks of Kenshin and Kaoru of the TV series and something related to the previous OAV (Tomoe).

This entry sat here for hours because I wanted to add more. Bleh then. Fine.

[Saturday, March 2, 2002]


Bleh, I didn't get those Flash assignments done yesterday afterall. At some point, I finally gave in on them. They were too time consuming.. *_*;; So the teacher still kept with his due date and the majority still didn't get them done. Bah.

[Friday, March 1, 2002]

Life Now


Hmm.. some recent updates of life:

Got my new computer a few weeks ago. Got DSL and networking working three days ago. This new computer room (now located upstairs instead of downstairs) is beating hot.. >_<.

My IT teacher's a total.. hmm, what's the right word, jackass? The majority of the class didn't finish their project but he wasn't willing to accept lates because I know he's lazy to do any marking after the second term deadline. There goes 70 marks.

Been watching Inu Yasha for the past few weeks or so... I wonder when those fansubbers are gunna get the Inu Yasha movie done. I really look forward to it... all the things that would never happen in the TV series is happening... like *from the trailers at the end of every episode starting from around 40* Miroku's air void finally going out of control, dunno what's wrong with Sango, and it looks like Kagome will seal Inu Yasha again or something pffffftttt.

Seems like my bro n I feel like some McDIX... Probably gunna go get some down the street later. *hears tummy growling*


I'm still up doing my Flash assignments... *giggles like mad* I've only done #5... good luck to me. #6 is stressing. I hope to achieve to #7 today, even though that would mean I not completing the last two most difficult and annoying. I'm glad it's Friday tomorrow though, I look forward to ending my day relaxing at home, without the least bit of worries until Saturday or Sunday.
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