Tango Appassionata

[Saturday, December 11, 2004]

Party Party

Saboo's B-Day Party! I got to Metro early, so I bought my ski pass and then watched kids play kickass DDR at Playdium. I finally met up with Sty and her Co-Worker gang and headed to the ever-so-pretty food court. We all chowed down on some food since our reservations weren't until 9:30. We loitered for a few hours before we made our way Downtown to Milestone's. We met up with more people (mainly the SGers) at the front door. Then we had to wait some more for more people and also for our seats to clear. We finally sat down by 10:30 -_-;... Since there wasn't exactly a big table, we all sat in 5 separate tables (to fit the 25 heads :/). Felt a bit strange at first... Anyways after the good meal, a guy named Eric spilled his alcohol drink over his pants and 'wet himself' :p... Then he kept trying to get people to touch his wet pant leg throughout the rest of the night.. hahaha~ Then there was this girl ('nother co-worker) who kept trying to take pictures but did a crap job because she was slow with the shutter/button pressing. And she couldn't stop taking pictures the whole night, either with the camera or her cellphone. Meh. Couldn't stop noticing. Then I got treated to a Bellini :} So peachy and nice~ Oh and Saboo got showered with many pretty and GOOD presents (like a frickin PS2 plus games+++ XD!!!). Anywhooo, mitsuii kindly drove me home afterwards. She drives a stick and looks cool doing it! So I forgive her for driving so damn fast :p

And I come home to find that, gasp, there won't be anymore HQ Genshiken! Uguuu, so depressing...


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