Tango Appassionata

[Thursday, September 9, 2004]

Day In Day Out

So I was about to go sell my books back to the school today until I realized I didn't uninstall the StudySpace CD for Psychology. Realizing the CD's too ghetto and program, there weren't any auto uninstall program thingers in there. So now I can't sell my books because of this one CD that goes with my Psychology package, cuz the buyback people might demand the CD too or I won't get all the money I could get back, then that would suck. And what if I need the stupid CD to uninstall the damn program eh?! Then the stupid program'll be stuck with me FOREVER. Ugh, I shoulda realized earlier... Let's hope they still want my books by tomorrow.

Getting paid tomorrow.... wow. I wish tomorrow would come sooner....

So I accidentally stayed up late to finish up a new layout fer the group blog, Stardust. I liked how it turned out. :D I had the theme song of Fatal Frame II playing while doing the layout... that might've given some inspiration. :}

Did I mention SakuraCon isn't allowing me to roll-over my registration from last year? I hope they burn in hell. :[

Must... find.... a new..... job.....

Time to go to work. ;_;


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