Tango Appassionata

[Monday, September 13, 2004]


So.. like...

Iwase's behind on their monthly shipment again. FIST, I want my Newtype...

Cosmetic Night tomorrow... again... fun.

The 390/395T iRiver isn't available in North America anymore, daymn. More like, they've stopped making it! I had my eye on the 790T but the red's really red, so the 795T is a possibility but the price different is yikes. And I just read all about the annoying software bugs (white noise, skipping)and horrible customer service they got too... Maybe I should stop attempting to buy an iRiver instead. Meh I could always go for those HK ones like WeWa!! and Foxda :/ Doesn't feeel the same thoughhhh~

I'm sleepy, gotta get stuff ready for tomorrow and then sleeeep. My internet's really crappy today.

EDIT: *waves to Valkyrie*


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