Tango Appassionata

[Tuesday, July 25, 2006]

The Heat...

Ok, it's been really hot. My dying PC hit 50 degrees the other day. About my new computer though, I've decided to wait until DFI releases their nf5 mobo to go with the [now] cheap AM2 Athlons. AM2 and DDR2 sounds fun to setup. It'll be interesting to build. Credits go to Mike for some tips and suggestions (e.g. Lian Li <3). More info tba.

But! Before then, I have to finish cleaning up/rearranging both my room, my computer room and the front room. Merging two rooms into one is no easy task.. 'specially when I got so much stuff. So far my biggest accomplishment is removing the desk from my bedroom! I gotta do something about all these posters I have on the wall too... They've been there for literally years. And to think I have to stare at them when my computer gets moved in... as if I don't get enough of them when I'm sleeping.

I also got a hair cut the other day. Didn't turn out the way I wanted... mainly because my actual barber went out of town and won't be back until mid-August. SO, I allowed my barber's HUSBAND do it for me and boy.. D: First my hair's too short.. next he dyed it too yellow. It looks like I'm wearing a wig everyday. *big sigh* The only positive thing is that it's summer and short hair is good.. I guess... I GUESS. The only HAPPY THING I CAN THINK OF RIGHT NOW...!

Well no, not entirely true. The PS2 has returned upstairs. I *CAN* play KH2 if I wanted to... but the July24th FFXI update got implemented yesterday and they've added soo many goodies. Raptor Mazurka Lv37! Mini version of Chocobo Mazuka available for us pre Lv75 Bards! New merits and job abilities! Eee, makes me wanna hurry up my Bard to Lv75 already just to test them out. My bro's meriting right now for Pro/Shell5, a new requirement for every WHM yep. Tier 2 black magic for BLM's as well! I'll have to finish leveling up that BLM after I'm done with BRD. Ahh~ I'll keep holding everything off until I finish my room cleaning and my new computer buildage. ETA: mid-Aug pre-Sept

*shakes DFI violently*


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