Tango Appassionata

[Saturday, December 22, 2001]

Finally the last day of school, what a relief! YOKATTA YO!!!! Nerr, anyway, we had the most puh-thetic Christmas assembly. Our grad sucked at the screaming, and half of the people were sitting there dead. -_- So it seemed like the gr12s really kicked our bootie this year. Ah, fun either way I suppose. Afterwards though, we went to Metro (haven't been there for AGES) so yay, happy. Only Will came with us though, the rest of the Tupper guys just didn't come.. so bleh. We played DDR (AH, haven't played this for AGES TOO) watched Lord of the Rings and I gotta say.. AIE! It was gooood! A few weird tweaks here and there compared to the book and of course, since the movie was only based on the first book (and the first few pages of the second), the movie didn't really END the way a movie should. Mmmm, the suspense eh. OH, I didn't mention... Legolas is as cute and coool as he is in the BOOK! HEE!!! XDDDD We had (what Moni would call--) McDicks for lunch and NY fries for dinner. Wierd but bleh. It was nice to see Serena there too with her BF I've met for the first time. Aww he's such a nice guy. However, the day didn't really turn out all that great.. I lost an old card picture and I accidentally used more than necessary bus tickets. Argh?!

The only productive thing I've done this month was a new layout. And... I'm looking forward to that new computer coming anytime this MONTH (--even though there's only 1 1/2 weeks left in this month!!!) >___<


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