Tango Appassionata

[Monday, April 15, 2002]

A start of another totally pathetic week! Somebody (and I really mean it)'s gotta force me to start my CAPP project?!?! Umm, well, lets see... it's..3 months overdue. Nice. I hear the teacher's still gunna give out 50% if we hand it in from now until the end of the school year (I guess?). *giggles nervously*

It's either that I'm really unlucky or... I'm really REALLY unlucky. Out of all the people I can randomly draw out from a bag, I got to be with the last guy I'd ever want to even think about partnering up with. Well, Mr."P"'s a total dork and prefers random partners for Computer Science class just because he likes to torture us or something to that relation. Poof; I get 11011011 sub 2.. hn, I turn to Simon beside me... he had like 24 sub 2. Guess not... then this GUY pretty much "crawls" from behind and starts mumbling shiet at us. Okay, I was thinking... why won't he go away. He looked over my shoulder and saw my number and ffffff---tragic ending.

At lunch, the "hockey people" gathered for another hockey pool, and yessssss I'm in it again! A few new guys joined though, making the players harder to pick (when you reach the end, that is...). I got a few players I wanted, which is good especially Bertuzzi. I'm rooting for him! Go get me some points!!! XD


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