Tango Appassionata

[Monday, April 19, 2004]

It's OVER!

Thank goodness...

The week before exams, I tried studying and really didn't get anything done at all. Luckily I was able to borrow the English text we needed to read from Tiffany and took the whole week the read that. I even tried reading at Bubble World to find a bunch of UBCers instead that prevented us (or at least me) from concentrating. Oh well, had good bubble tea nonetheless.

Amy's birthday on Saturday. A last-minute decision, I believe. Turned out a little wonky, but overall successful. I only showed up for the second part (bbtea) because I was desperate to finish the damn english novel. Felt really out of place when I was there though... the majority were from UBC, and they all talked within UBC only... Sat around... did nothing... contemplated on whether to buy myself bubble tea or not... then checked up on Tony and Sally... couldn't help the couple.. shrugged and returned, had cake and disbanded.

Crunch time come Sunday and Monday and did my English Final Tues morning @ 8:30. Wrote nothing but bs. The poem was somewhat hard to comprehend... and the quotations from the films and novels were hard to identify. Then we got our final essays back from back then to find that I almost FAILED IT. (C- btw) With quite the shock, I read her notes to find no more than two sentences saying the strengths of my essay were uneven throughout the essay. And that was IT. Learning absolutely nothing from her feedback, I scanned through the rest of the essay to find edits but they were scarcely written... Oooh, so frustratated and confused. Tiff almost failed hers too (super shock to her as well) so we asked some other people about theirs... Most people did a screenplay (FUCK I SHOULD HAVE DID A SCREENPLAY) but I was too chicken to attempt.. and I had the minimum required grade to do it too.. dammit dammit DAMMIT.. and they got high marks. ;_; URGA... moving on.

Later that same day, I returned to do my Marketing Final in the gym @ 1:00. It was awfully difficult compared to the previous midterms we had. The other students in his class also agreed with me.. *sigh* At least we were able to get a B+ for our marketing project with the FOBsters. Like Jo said, they weren't as bad at the end afterall... The toothpick girl's kinda weird though... at the final, she couldn't stop smiling and looking at me as if she was going to laugh (not AT me but...) so I'd look over to her and smile and... sorta look like I'm laughing and then.. I look away knowing she's still looking.. and grahgra, that was strangely awkward.

Relaxed for the rest of the day and more crunch time the next morning for Psychology that following night @ 6:30. The final didn't feel really balanced between the two chapters we were supposed to study. He repeated questions using different analogies but had the same answer which puzzled me... perhaps out of ideas? It was textbook heavy like he said and the gym was really cold as usual.

My dad's car started to die that night... Had to bring it to fix the next day with him so I could drive him back just to make it in time for my Japanese final. It was surprisingly straightforward and wasn't too hard. Irene and I decided (last minute) not to go to the Japanese "Farewell Gathering Dinner Thinger"; left the teacher sort of disappointed. Bleh, if it wasn't in Downtown and if my dad's car wasn't screwed I might have gone. Oh well, I'm sick of seeing the people in that class anyways. Which reminds me, we were given a collection of all the essays that were done this semester by our class... While I was waiting for my dad to pick me up, I read through and found there were a strange number of essays that were related to the internet. AND that little elementary school kid in our class is INDEED a typical elementary school kid -- his essay was about A-KO-GE (anime, comics and games -- he made that up) wtf.. :D And he talked about RPGs and Doraemon... yeah, typical alright. Kinda like another guy..(s) I know -- *coughhoandkincough*.

Returned to the world of Vana'Diel... had a really good Japanese party. 2 1/2 levels in a few hours. The day after, I got the slowest party that had major downtime, long battles and crap experience. Then, I was introduced to RO again by the users of my BBS that made themselves a private server (ohoho..). Wasted loads of time there, leveling up at every or every other kill. I'm at like 64/39 or something after starting a few hours... I don't know they're doing that yet but it's fun how people use the GM fuctions to do stupid things. :p They might try out another emu though and start again... oh well, wouldn't take too long to level up anyways.

I'm prone to writing long entries filled a week or more worth of events... I should stop that.


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