Tango Appassionata

[Wednesday, July 13, 2005]

Back to.. Normal?

Right when I come back from my trip that night, I get a msg from Tony Kiki about Tony C's birthday party the next day. Uguuu, no money and yet I have to go spend some more... Anyways, it was a beach BBQ where there was a lot of charcoal confusion, demands for food and everyone just acting their strange selves.

And no, everything's not back to normal yet. The strike's still (luckily?) in effect and so work's boring as hell. Just today, one of the warehouses nearby caught on fire early in the morning and burned for hours. Apparently there's some sort of ammonia-like chemicals inside the warehouse and now the whole area's gunna be blocked off. We were informed by a police lady sometime around 3 about the situation, so we were told to leave early (in-case it blows up, yeah). I visited my beloved bookstore after work to realize that D'oh, truckers strike, no new Newtype. Instead I went to cancel some of my orders that I already got at AX. Mmmm they weren't really happy with cancelling and were all like "We normally don't allow you to cancel D:" and I'm like ";_; I normally don't cancel (cuz I'm loyal to you guys ;___;).. I'm so sorry ;__;" but yeah.. unhappy they were. They might remember me from now on as the gaijin that cancels orders. So when I was driving home from the bookstore, something fell in through the window (big, brown, spikey maybe, ball-like?) hit me on the head and rolled down somewhere. It disappeared somewhere... I thought it was a friggin bug at first... but even now I still dunno what it is.

So yeah, Sty's version of the CCS Crew group picture. XD I started a trend.


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