Tango Appassionata

[Tuesday, May 1, 2007]

First Week of Summer Work

Hi, I'm in my second day of my summer job being a graphic designer (!) and web developer for a calendar application known as Calgoo [google that, foo]. Now the current application and site looks pretty shit right now, which is why I'm here. But there's just sooo many things that need major overhauling, I've got 110% pressure on me. I've been bombarded with insane meetings every other hour so far and my brain [or actually my back - more on that later] hurts.

Now about my work desk...
I lack a laptop (BUT NOT FOR LONG DAMMIT! ><!! *determined to get one*) so I requested a desktop which they purchased for me... had to work with a laptop for the first day (that had VISTA - OMG VISTA IS SO ANNOYING XD asks you 10x for permissions before you can do a simple task) then requested dual monitors, but they only have old 17" CRTs so far... so I'm dealing with a single LCD for now... two LCDs may be on their way, MAYBE. The only desk left was a glass desk (>< - dangerous and cold, and finger printy) and it's far too high for me (D: ... I'm too short, they keep saying lol)... so I'm hoping to get a new desk, wood, of that variety, hopefully. then the chair... to accomodate my shortness (D:!), they found a chair that can go really high BUT, making me sit so high, my monitor so low and with no arm rests, makes my back hurt D:... then this new mouse that came with the computer kept getting spasms.. so it kept spazzing all day until I gave up on it and switched to an old school ball mouse

lol seems like I'm high maintenance but hey, I'm a graphic designer... I need to be in the utmost best enviroment to work in because the sucess of their visual communication depends on me ;) ...and the internet is all about visual communication, so as long as I prove my worth.. I wouldn't be asking for too much at all >:]

the upcoming four month outline is basically: complete product UI redesign, new feature implementations, the icon/image portion is quite big, website redesign, then second project website design... shrug... then prolly will continue throughout the rest of the school year too... it's actually kinda exciting, if you don't try and think and do all the tasks at once.. bit by bit is the way to go!

A little gaming side note: omg Yunalesca's third form gives me nightmares!


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