Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, October 26, 2008]

Gar's Annual (?) Halloween Party + Aftermath

Alright! It's that time of year again! Partying it up, Halloween style.

So who was I? Faith from Mirror's Edge and it's not even out yet! Free plug!

The day before, I was busy trying to get the last few essential pieces of my costume done. I thought it would speed things up if I used a sewing machine so I headed to Lisa's place to borrow hers. It didn't work out as smoothly as I hoped - at all. Firstly, for the top: the white strips I needed to sew on the sides were really thick with the tank top's own layer so the two layers kept stretching in the machine at it's own lengths and so it ended up completely uneven. I wanted it to be perfect, so I had her help me remove it so I can redo it. She got frustrated and basically violently ripped it out, resulting in an insane number of holes in the tank top. As a perfectionist, I decided to go and buy myself a new one and hand sew the stripes on instead. Secondly, the gloves: so I found a pair of red gloves finally at the Richmond Centre dollar store except it had a Christmas theme so it had a chunk of green at the bottom, plus a little bell and bow accessory. The bow was easily removable (minus the glue which I easily melted with some hot water) but the green part was grr-worthy. After I cut it out, I tried out a few ways to close up the gap it left. Finally I ended with something I was fairly pleased with. but still not as close as the real thing as I'd hoped. But I did so much red gloves searching the past few days prior, I was ready to give in to what I had available (and so I did).

On the actual day, a few hours before I trip there, I had Monica help me draw in my tattoos. The body paint I got was pretty crappy and it made an effing mess everywhere because of its crappiness. It was also very crayon, so you can imagine how that's like already. Looked like garbage so we took the Sharpie method and outlined it pretty and then followed to colour it in. Monica was getting stressed with the stencil I made and also because we were pressed on time, we rushed it and winged a chunk of it.

We left my place at 6 and went to pick up Sty at her place. Got to his place to find that Gar the host wasn't dressed up. Instead he was busy being Cooking Papa (his new nickname now). We found the usual SG crew already there getting their Rockband on. The night followed with Castle Crashers, more Rockband (The Paperboy and the Papers) and random other games. The night was also filled with lots of food, food and more food. We also did the random flavoured jelly bean game (gosh, I'm glad I only ate normal flavours and no baby wipes or earwax flavours). We ended up staying there until 5am. I got home and realized I haven't camera whored yet, so I did some quick webcam fun on my laptop and ended up sleeping at 7am.

I woke up this morning and headed to EB to grab mah LittleBigPlanet! They called me the day before, but I was getting my costume ready at the time. Also picked up SOCOM and headset set! Mmmmm headset~ Can't wait to use it during LBP and whatever else in the future. Still impatiently waiting for Zellers to get the 360 Holiday Bundle. BestBuy apparently has it now. GRR.


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