Tango Appassionata

[Friday, December 12, 2008]

2010 Olympic Tickets

So we didn't get picked for the first round of 2010 Olympic tickets. The next thing to do is to fight for the leftover seats during the priority access period which started at 9AM this morning.

9AM I woke up and logged in.. lo and behold I was directed to a VIRTUAL WAITING ROOM and it says:

What is the Virtual Waiting Room for?
In an effort to be completely fair to all Canadians we have developed the Virtual Waiting Room, used to randomly allow access to the ticketing system during busy times such as this when all visitors cannot be served simultaneously. You are currently in the pool to be randomly chosen to register your account and build your ticket request.

By 11AM, after reading up on the latest news as the usual places, I was still waiting. I didn't get to sleep in as I would of liked to today so I crawled back in to bed.

I got up again at 1PM to find that I was redirected to the main page. When I tried to get started with the booking and buying, it timesout and redirects me back to an effing waiting room.

It's now 3PM, I wasted all morning waiting in this stupid room. Time to move workstations closer to the PS2. My retarded monowheel bike is calling for my attention. Well, at least the weather's crappy today so I'm not missing much.

EDIT: 4PMish - I get redirected to a page saying they SOLD OUT. Next round of tickets is in May. D:


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