Tango Appassionata

[Thursday, April 1, 2010]

No, Bunnies dammit!

[insert April Fools joke]

I don't have much brain power left to really execute any sort of witty April Fools joke. Usually after the 1st means Easter weekend follows, which means the beginning of April, which means there's only 20 days left until the end of the semester, which means graduation is soon, which means there's not much time left. I've already been doing a lot of complaining about the running out of time thing, but that's the only thing on my mind.

The past week involved the ending of my mentorship. On the final two days, I was finally given some interesting productive work (research was fun too, but that's pre-production). A new intern came and took my seat as he had priority as a "full time intern" as opposed to this weak one-day-a-week setup our school has. Working on the other side wasn't actually bad, as it was quiet and I felt pretty productive working over there. The experience ended with a neat parting gift, the typical Friday beer, and watching Non-Format's awesome presentation off of youtube. My current inspirational design heroes perhaps?

Monday rolled around and fresh from the postman came my passport! The more I thought about Sakuracon over the weekend, the more I wanted to go. So OKAY! Let's go! Didn't prepare much though as the week was pretty busy with school things. Definitely didn't put in any effort into getting myself a proper wig as well. I won't be taking this convention as seriously as I usually do (no super shopping, no super panel visiting and no super guest signature getting), but using it more as a getaway and maybe solely for Noizi Ito. :b

I also got at ticket yesterday for parking at a parking lot where I would plan to get my round of bubble tea after I cross the street to steal some dessert from the a family dinner. His claim was I parked and left the parking lot. He was definitely right about that BUT my sole purpose was to buy bubble tea and my visit to the restaurant was no more than 10 mins. I WILL CONTEST AND EFFING WIN THIS BATTLE.

Anyway, it's getting late and I still have a list of things to do before we head down in the morning.


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