Tango Appassionata

[Tuesday, August 31, 2010]

My Web Admin Skillz at Work

So, jobs. I've forgotten how much time they take up.

I've fallen into the work routine life and I can't say I'm disliking it... though it's not likable either. I'm now a Web Administrator which I think is my official title (and it's not like I'm not already an admin at home) administrating and marketing up the company's e-commerce site, forums, and everything else in and around computers and the internets. I'm mostly upgrading/improving/fixing/modding up their website at the moment and it'll be a while before I get that done. Besides that, I also maintain and keep their database up-to-date when they roll in new items and changes. Hopefully in a few months (?) I'll be more knowledgeable in cameras (did I mention we sell cameras?) and maybe get my hands on a DSLR and [pretend to] be pro. Yeah, I must admit, the job's actually kinda fun...

BUT by the time I get home and there's usually no time left to do anything before the day's already over (like now).

I still have a handful of things to do before the week's over...


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