Tango Appassionata

[Wednesday, March 31, 2004]

ffxi RANK5!

Happiest thing ever.. :D Well, lately anyways. Stayed up till 3am with my bro to finish it. Thank goodness we had some high level help and a good party (whm, blm, drg, pld).. I did the warping, my bro did the healing and crag teleporting, and the other two chopped. I decided not to take the airship though in hoping I'd bump into an elemental or two for some quick $$$.

Ahhh Full Metal Alchemist 25...! As a person who stopped reading the manga after the first chapter, I cryyyyyyyy~~~

I would have thought this week would be laid back but it turns out it's stress-filled.

Sunday, the interview was canceled because the boss is a retarded and didn't show up. The fact that I had to contact him and he still wasn't in after I tried annoys me like hell... so I might just screw that job and give it to Monica.

Monday, I was supposed to do two Japanese dialog presentations, so I crammed. However, we ended up only doing one, and postponing the other. Ugh postponing it forces me to keep reciting it every so often for me to do it Thursday.

Tuesday, my marketing group members are disorganized and messed up. Some of the members don't like to show up and hard to get in contact with. We finally finished the written part of the project last minute and then made me do the presentation because I'm the least FOB in the group. Luckily I convinced them the other guys haven't done anything and made them split the work. Now unwilling to wake up early (9:30) to meet up, I told them I'd meet them later that day. Now a member wants us to dress formally and somehow expects me to do something crazy good for the presentation. As a non-presentation person, I don't know what to show her. I'm too lazy to type up the presentation for my part now so I'll do it when I wake up tomorrow. As I waited for them to finish up the written portion, I caught a cold while napping.. *sniff*

When I was passing on the message some person left for my dad to my dad, I had trouble giving him the information because there was so much so I rushed and jarbled up my words. As a typical parent (make that parents AND brother), they began criticizing me for not being able to leave a simple phone message and said that I didn't have any skills whatsoever to even be an eligible secretary or anything related. Then they got off topic and criticized everything else they could get their hands on at the moment. That just left me feeling like crap so I gave them a piece of me. Bah, that just left them saying 'I'm just a kid cuz I'm so damn weak (emotionally)'? Yeah it's true, I get hurt easily AND I'm really bad at explaining things.

You could tell (at least the second half) from reading my blog entries and how I speak normally with anyone. Wow, I suck.

I've still got a 4 page long Japanese essay to memorize for Friday, phone up everyone for the birthday plans and keep that stupid dialog fresh in my mind for Thursday.

Dude, life reeks.

(Blame it on school.)


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