Tango Appassionata

[Saturday, April 11, 2009]

Triple Combo Critical Hit

On top of the insanely occupied weekend, I had three projects to hand in this week.

Tuesday's group project on our cupcakes bakery wasn't too bad. I took all the free time I had on the weekend inbetween stuff to get as much of it done as possible. Unfortunately I was busy all Monday so I was unable to help the rest of the group build the comps and put together the finishing touches. Apparently one particular person did not keep up with our pace and ended up having to make the rest of the group wait on her stuff. But fortunately, Tuesday morning's presentation turned out to be quite the success. We were the last to present and we ended it off by telling people to wake the eff up and start figuring out how to get our grad funds together. The cupcakes project of ours were a real business to make money for our grad show happening next year. A bit more on that in a bit.

Wednesday was our corporate identity project. I already had most of the stuff done from the previous weeks so it was pretty easy going. We also brought in our first order of cupcakes by the teacher. I got jack shit for comments on my presentation. My appointed commenter is a useless retard.

Thursday was a bit hellish. I went through the day on two hours of sleep. The final project of my portfolio revamp was pretty half-assed but passable. And it just means I'll have to work extra hard this next week to get it into better shape before I start going out and doing some job hunting. Again, I got shit for comments for this presentation too. This lack of feedback thing doesn't help my progress at all really.

After class, we had a class discussion on our grad show funding plans. It was mostly a useless conversation. It was all just talk and no do. Ideas, sure, but not particularly feasible (realistic standpoint). They probably thought differently though... so it was just probably me. K, make things, and then sell them. Okay... who would want them? Who's making them? What are we making exactly??

I didn't have much to say to help the conversation so I said nothing. I did think of making some money doing something online, but I couldn't think of what it is exactly we could do yet... hopefully I'll figure out something with that soon... It'll be pretty damn hard to get our class working together considering we seem to hate each other's guts in some way or another. I should be more positive though. Perhaps they'll prove me wrong. Well actually... I hope they do prove me wrong.

Here's to another year of school.

Time to deal with the work side of things... anyone need me for side designing jobs/tasks? Money now prz.


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