Tango Appassionata

[Monday, December 30, 2013]

Saranara, 2013~

I can't quite seem to wrap my head around the idea that 2013 is already on its way out. I also can't figure out whether it's because I truly was that busy or it's a sign of that old age when time passes by exceptionally faster the older you get...

2013 did come with its usuals, like conventions and the like, but it also came with a significant number of events. My "Europe" cruise brought me to the part of the world I would least likely imagine myself going to. Only mid-year did we find out that my brother and girlfriend got engaged and decided to get married also in the same year to avoid the 4 in the 2014. The condo I had purchased many years ago (surprise!) reared its head to happily announce that it would be finished earlier than originally projected.

The fourth quarter of the year was, without a doubt, the most treacherous but it has all been worth it. Even now, as I am up at 8am in the morning during my holiday, waiting for my final two main furniture pieces to arrive, I'm excited and hope that they'd just hurry up and drop off my stuff already so I can get settled. Out of my whole break, I think I've only really slept like there's no tomorrow twice and it's already about to end on me. I need to hibernate so hard right now.

New years resolutions never really work out for me. I always say I will play more games, but guess what, I haven't played anything in the last 3+ months (PAD is a douche and doesn't count) and very little months before that. My saving money was for the sake of this condo but I think I might just have spent more: increased coffee intake, more Kickstarting, year-of-the-JRPGs RPGs, and let's not even begin to talk about the furniture and random necessities.

Next year will yet again be interesting. If anything though, I'm still looking forward to the now.


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