Tango Appassionata

[Friday, August 22, 2008]

Feeling: Meh...

So I woke up feeling really horrible this morning... so horrible I called in sick for the morning and started working from home at noon. For some reason (unrelated to my horrible feelingness), I've been getting really tired of work lately... frustrated, unsatisfied, and just plain sucky. The longer I do this, the more I dislike being an in-house graphics designer. I never liked it to begin with... and the only plus to being an in-house is the [relatively] steady income (until your contract expires, that is). I am so glad school's approaching in just over a week. I notice I gain so much weight (= fat) when I'm sitting there for 8 hours, clicking at my laptop. It's such an inactive office job, compared to the other office jobs I've had... not to mention, the graphics design company next door has nothing but overweight ladies and (for some reason) skinny guys. I don't want to become one of them when I grow up... ;____;

Anyway, I hope the weekend makes up for the crappy week.


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