Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, August 3, 2008]

Fireworks Finale

Me and Mo2 arrived at the beach first to save a spot, picking up Stepho's and extras on the way. We got there around 1:30-2 and enjoyed the sun a bit as it finally decided to clear up today. It wasn't until 3:30-4, Gar, D and Ruby showed up. Saboo joined us a bit later, after Mo2, Ruby and I visited the tattoo parlor for some appointment making. We convinced Shi2 to show up, who also brought Steph and arrived around 7:30. Us four had a classy dinner at Milestones (as opposed to fast food, that is) and then rushed back around 9. Then we had our rounds of DS where we played Mario Kart with a full 8 PC party.

China won people's choice. For some STRANGE reason, Canada, who had the most boringest fireworks display, won it this year. Rigged without a doubt now. Reminds me much of the bitter result of the first season of Dance Crew (wtf Status Quo as runner-up). They also had this documentary-like fireworks display that talked about the history of BC (BC's 150th bday), which is probably another reason why Canada won. Apparently this time's China crew (Pyromagic Productions) is actually from HK unlike the others that were from other parts of China... which explains the choice in music China used.

Oh yeah, we got a new 50 inch Panasonic HDTV. Now there's finally a reason to rip out the PS3! Just gotta get that annoying cable first...


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