Tango Appassionata

[Monday, August 18, 2008]

Hair, Heat, Hot...

Haircut time. School's approaching so it's safe to cut it early and let it grow out to the right comfortable length by September. However, even with my specific, specific and EASY instructions... it still went wrong. She said she wouldn't touch the back, and yet SHE DID SOMEHOW. But I must admit, I love salon hair clay... I need to get some someday. I basically got home Saturday with a 90's hairdoo... At least the hair dye job was good.

It was hot that night so I lazily tied it up carelessly and slept on it.

Next morning I had classic bed head and kept it that way. Bumped into Patson on the way downtown. Went with Mo2 to get her butt tattoo on Davie then I joined her and Braman grocery shopping at Metro T&T. Cheap Calpico.

Also found out that DS games that use the stylus are not friendly to long gaming hours. Been focusing on Luminous Arc on the weekend, and discovered stylus-hand pain (more specifically the palm area close to my thumb)!

Work week starts again, so that means I'll need a new game to keep myself busy on the bus. The next PSP bus game: Suikoden - seriously needs a run button.


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