Tango Appassionata

[Monday, May 12, 2008]

Hong Kong Trip - Day 16

My dad was cranky for food early in the morning, so we suggested to eat somewhere different. We made our way to Admirality station's Pacific Place since my mom mentioned briefly that she worked in that area when she was younger. Pacific Place was a high-end mall, so we expected high-end food to go with it. However, forgetting about my dad and how he dislikes high-end food, he got all grumpy and refused to try anything there after merely looking at the prices.

Me and my mom got so fed up, we went towards Causeway to find something cheaper instead. We then met up with my brother, who was lead to Admirality and stayed in the MTR to wait for us. We ended up calling Auntie Maime for suggestions of what to eat in the area. She had the time so she joined us to bring us to Malaymama's, which was an awesome Malaysian noodle house in the back street. She already ate so we talked a bit and she went on her way, suggesting us to go stroll down a wholesale street which sold mainly jewelry and accessories (around Jordan station?... I don't remember).

So all the stores basically sold the same things... It was safe to assume they all imported from the same places (similar to Shenzhen), and since there were so many to begin with, it was a bit overwhelming. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything that interested me anyways, but my mom was able to find a few cute things. Besides jewelry, we found quite a few clothing stores as well. To our treat, we picked up a few things.

We were invited to my mom's big brother's place for some good old homemade dinner, so we set out early to head to his place. We found our bus stop in the area that went straight to Tuen Mun and started lining up around 5. When ours finally came (after a few same ones that went the same way), we hopped in and took the upstairs seating. It was nice and A/C'd so it was a wonderful hour+ bus trip across HK, plus wunderful sight seeing opportunities out the window.

When we got there, my mom constantly harassed by cousin Angel via cellphone for directions of where to go. We finally arrive at a peaceful community of "Lun Houses", tall apartments huddled closely together - basically your typical HK housing district. All the houses were named ______ Lun House and me and my bro got a crack out of it. We even took a picture of their little directory (which may give you a good enough idea how much we enjoyed it hahaha). My mom's brother cut his chess game short to come and greet us, while his wife came back with the rest of the ingredients required for dinner.

A funny thing about HK elevators, apartments especially: They may have more than one elevator but each elevator goes to different floors. One may take the odd numbers, one may take evens, another may not stop at the first 10 floors, another may not stop at a chunk of floors in the middle. It was a strange concept to understand but I guess it kinda makes sense as it relieves waiting time, in a sense.

So we were on around the 30th? 50th? 60th? floor, and boy was it high up. Due to my non-SLR camera and super shaky hands, the night scenery pictures didn't turn out all that well. As for the main event, the actual dinner part, it was great! Good ol' hearty home food and fat choy (aka. HAIR). After food, we sat around and talked... talked a lot about grandma and her funny antics, what she left behind... it was a very warm, fuzzy family gathering. It was a rare moment but alas, time flew as usual, and we needed to get going before we couldn't transit our way back. My mom's brother's daughters and sons came to walk us to the bus stop where we disbanded and went our separate ways.

Just gotta remember how to make my way there again the next time...


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