Tango Appassionata

[Thursday, May 8, 2008]

Hong Kong Trip - Day 4

We headed to Wan Chai at 11 to make it to the Taiwan pre-trip meeting. Moments before the meeting started, we temporarily filled our stomaches with their snacky food like boring breads and drinks. Oh yeah, Schwepp's Grapefruit soft drink is one of the common drinks around there! Jealous. D:

The speaker was a great guy. Unfortunately he was not our actual tour guide on the trip because he came back late from his previous trip and couldn't make it. More on that later. After the meeting, we got some complimentary travel bags and made our way out. Apparently there was a Beijing Olympics flame trial run that came by during our meeting, which explained the noise.

For lunch, we met up with my cousin Angel in the Causeway Bay area, where she brought us to a "Sportful" restaurant for dim sum. Yes, you heard me, Sportful it was called. The food was great except the soup tasted burnt, and we complained about it. After food, we walked the area's malls. My mom met up with one of her old best friends (Bankie? I don't remember how to spell it...) for her dinner break (which was actually early 4pm) from work at Lane Crawford. She brought us to a small noodle place where she ordered herself and us food. So out of courteously, we had some ourselves. At the end she made us eat most of the stuff she couldn't finish. Soon another aunt, Aileen, came to join us after work at the noodle place. We sat around until Bankie had to return to work.

Finally we taxi'd to the ferry at Central to get to Tsim Sha Tsui. I saw the IFC building... never did I get to step into that building this time around. We took the ferry and unfortunately couldn't enjoy the scenery much as it was foggy, gloomy, and cloudy. When we got to the other side, there still was time for us to burn so they sat around at Starbucks and had another drink (amg more consumables)... As they sat around, I instead decided to go exploring. I headed outside in a random direction and ended up finding the Harbour City building which apparently one of the biggest malls in Asia. So yeah.. good/bad idea, I'm not sure... but I got lost. I had to retrace my footsteps to make it back the way I came and I didn't even get to see most of it... all I did was walk some and then it was time.

We met up with another chunk of my dad's side. Ate some insanely expensive but good food at this high-class restaurant. All the foreigners ordered the "begger's chicken" which is based on how beggers used to cook their chicken: cover the chicken in soil to protect it and then cook it. Apparently it doesn't taste good and it's just a gimmick that only foreigners order because you get to use a hammer and actually smack it open yourself. There was also a noodle pulling demonstration where foreigners went and got themselves some noodle dough as souvenirs. Sure, get some dough and then have to either eat it or throw it away eventually.

After the swell food, I was suddenly pulled from the table by my Auntie Maime outside and told me to bring my camera. A typhoon no.3 was already blowing pretty insanely but she hinted that this was the moment. The moment to see ANDY LAU! I semi-joked about it during dinner the other night, and he took it seriously for me so :D! We had to walk across the street to where it was safer to drop off my uncle and then steal a picture with Andy. I was getting super nervous now.. even though I'm not a great fan of the guy, he's still a celebrity and everything. When we got there, we saw our Uncle Jacky standing there grinning at me. As we approached, the van he stood beside was obviously enough HIS. Luck has it, a random guy just walks by, the sidewalk was clear, he pops out and excuses the random guy for walking by... I was speechless, got the picture taken, nodding in thanks and then he cooly walked back into his van. On our way back, I couldn't stop laughing... and my Auntie Maime couldn't stop laughing with me. It was hilarious XD

We returned to the dinner table, smirking. Of course, I had to show it off the picture cuz it was demanded of me. ONLY because it was demanded of me. ;)


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