Tango Appassionata

[Wednesday, May 7, 2008]

Hong Kong Trip - Day 2 & 3

We woke up bright and early and headed straight to the government building to hand in our applications, knowing it'll take them a while to respond. We got it over and done with and made our way back towards our hotel. We walked around our area and found Pioneer Mall where we stopped to have dim sum at a "fancy" restaurant. They had three floors to themselves, where each floor had a different interior design. After satisfying our hunger, we went on a search for travel agencies. We ended up at the Bank Center which was nearby where there were two floors dedicated to just travel agencies, which is insane. Seems like quite the common thing for HK though.. grouping like companies together into one building. Really makes me wonder how all of them can stay alive together like that. But anyway, after a few hours of frustration, we finally found a suitable tour for us to take to Taiwan for the 5 days we scheduled not to stay at our hotel. We then went to explore the rest of the mall. I then acquired my second bag and did a few rounds of gashapons.

Finally deciding to leave, we went to check out where we were to have our Taiwan pre-trip meeting. After finding the place in Wan Chai, we did some extensive walking and browsing in the area, and then we (mainly my dad) wanted to rest somewhere and snack. We ended up trying this HK-style cafe that was located underground o_o. Screamed shady and dangerous.

However, looks being deceiving once again, it was good cheap food. We learnt later that night that that HK-style cafe was popular for it's good and cheap food and that it has been around for ages. After some good cheap food, we headed back to our hotels for some proper rest for our feet. The start of so-called legendary HK feet, I swear.

Later that night we taxi'd to Hung Hom and met up with Auntie Maime and Uncle Jacky again, but this time with Auntie Irene as well. I don't recall the meal, tho it was probably decent. After dinner, we walked down "Miu Guy" = Miu Street (which was a bit of Flower Street with stands and such). The actual stores were about to close, so we only quickly browsed through and called it a day.


Next morning for breakfast/lunch we tried out the dim sum in the restaurant in our own hotel. After we walked to Mongkok to get some glasses prescribed with an acquaintance of our grandfather's. My dad, brother and I got a pair of new glasses that had the same frame style, except different colours. Blue, green, and pink respectively. Mine was the cheapest considering it required no prescription. Yay some more fun glasses. :b

After we got our glasses ordered, me and my bro went off to do our own [serious] shopping. First we picked up his baggage and then MTR'd to Causeway to his friend's place, where he was going to stay for the rest of our stay. His friend's apartment was nice and cozy, two rooms, mini kitchen, built-in washer/dryer and washroom. And not to mention INTERNET! After dropping off his stuff, we went to Wan Chai to find the famous 188 building full of juicy gaming, figures, and everything of the geeky-like on 3 wonderful floors. My brother couldn't quite remember the way, so we ended up going around in a circle until finding the actual place. Our goal was not to buy that day, but to only look and come back on the last week and blow it all, all at once! :b Even at 2pm, some of the stores weren't even open yet, so it was only destiny for us to come again, at a later time!

After browsing, we traveled back to Causeway and walked to Sogo and headed straight to the Sogo Club level (@11) where the juicy Japanese bookstore was. The way up was pretty tempting too... every floor had something worth looking at. When we reached the heavenly floor, the atmosphere was completely different than the other floors -- it was dimmed, quiet, much like a library.

Grabbed Vampire Knight 7 cuz I needed my sexy vampire fix, limited editions of Air Gear, special editions of Erementar Gerad Red and Blue... then I spotted the recently released Code Geass illustration book and quickly snatched myself a copy. The comics section was decent as they had most of the recently released stuff, but not as big as an actual Japanese bookstore of course. We used the remaining time to look around the other malls in the area - we swore to return.

We also took a walk around the malls in the area. There was this jewelry store that had a crazy sale so I joined in on the fun and grabbed some fun earrings. Evening rolls around and we head back to the hotel to meet up with our parents to make our way to a family gathering of my mom's side. We taxi to a restaurant in Jordan and have a great feast, as usual. At the end, me and my bro was bored so we split the last can of beer and scarfed down the last two dessert balls in one go just so we didn't have to waste anything. ;b

Later that night, the whole hotel room was mine. The only night I'd have the whole room myself tho, however. Hell begins after a brief moment of peace as I soon discovered that even earplugs cannot save me from the hell of snoring.


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