Tango Appassionata

[Saturday, May 10, 2008]

Hong Kong Trip - Day 8

We had dim sum planned with another chunk of my dad's side of the family for 11:30am but we get woken up at 9am by a call from our grandpa saying he's on his way. Wut. So we scrambled to get ready and had him come up to our room when he arrived. We spoke a bit before we taxi'd our way to Grand Century Place.

HK malls are funny. They have an insane number of escalators. Those escalators like to jump levels. Grand Century has a pair that goes straight to the 8th or so floor from the ground floor. There's another pair that skips the 4th floor. The one to the 4th just disappears.

11:30 rolls around, the planned meeting time, and we take our seats at the Chinese restaurant for dim sum on the double digit floor (12?). We sat for a bit before the rest of the relatives arrived. This time, in addition to my grandpa, Auntie Irene the 3rd, Auntie Maime and Auntie the 1st, we got to meet my grandpa's two sisters. They still had so much spirit! They smacked my grandpa around (literally, without much hesitation) just like your typical sibling relationship. Did I mention they look adorable? :D

After food, most of them had work and other arrangements so we disbanded. We stuck around the mall for a bit and basically window shopped. Our grandpa came all the way from Shenzhen just for the meal, so we decided to spend a bit more time with him. All the window shopping was soo insanely tempting for me, however! I held back! :{

We find a photo development store and my brother and my grandpa take a group shot together (for his omimai purposes =_=). We then get a call from the optometrist we glasses shopped at, informing us they were ready for pick up. I also get a call from Jenny telling me she was ready to hang out too!

We say our farewells (as we were heading to Taiwan the next day) and made our way back to Mongkok. We got our glasses picked up and adjusted. I then headed to another Mongkok exit via subway to meet up with Jenny. We first visited a shopping building (yes!) out yet another Mongkok exit and did some good ol' shopping. There was this insanely cute goth store that had their own little mascot line with garments which had attached animal-like features (ears, tail, etc) on them! I got a piece that featured their cute critter. I also got some super cheap play earrings - 3 for $10!

After satisfying shopping, we headed to Kowloon Tong Station's Festival Walk mall, originally to meet up with her sister for dinner but she ended up ditching us. We debated on what to eat, and ended up eating food court rice bowls of Yoshinoya (mainly because Jenny didn't want to spend too much...). After eating, we window shopped the area and I ended up buying a chicken leg screen cleaner at LOG-ON. As the stores were beginning to close on us, we sat and talked for the rest of the night.

The next day's Taiwan! Gogogogo!


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