Tango Appassionata

[Sunday, July 27, 2008]

Batman, Fireworks, ABDC

My brother finally didn't have OT Saturday so he nagged me to watch Batman with him and dad. However, I had trouble waking up on the wonderful Saturday weekend so we didn't make the early IMAX showing at 12:15. We stopped by to grab some Mexican on our way and watched the next normal showing at 12:45.

So Batman was a GREAT movie. Joker was insanely insane! The CG on Harvey's face was quite believable. Two thumbs! Make it two hand thumbs and two toe thumbs!

After Batman, I headed home to meet up with Mo2 and headed downtown. We took our time down and arrived sometime before 6. Gar and Nina were holding a log until we came with a mat to sit on. Saboo and Sabrina joined in a bit later. I played Tales of Destiny for the most part. The fireworks itself was a lot more interesting than Canada's but we all felt they had one too many songs, making one too many "false endings".

This week's ABDC: Supreme Soul's GONE! Next week's result rankings probably: 1.Super Cr3w, 2.So Real, with Fanny Pak and Boogie Bots going at it.


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