Tango Appassionata

[Thursday, July 24, 2008]

Fireworks - Canadar

It's that time of the year again! The fireworks have come! Hurrah!

After work, I headed towards Mo2's workplace to meet up with her. We walked down to the beach, picking up some Vera's fast food on the way. We found the usual gang chilling around the usual area and relieved them of their duties so they could grab some food. We spent the evening playing a few rounds of Big 2, then went and learned how to play Dragon. Near the end, we also had a few rounds of Tetris DS with the Tetris Queen ;3

Ok so the actual fireworks performance tried to be epic. Epic with Godzilla. Like, literally epic Godzilla orchestrated remix of the soundtrack movie (or something to that relation). However, they failed to really grab our attention. They had well timed fires, which was nice... but it went with boring marches. They also used one too many annoyingly bright exploding fireworks that obliterated retinas in an instant. Didn't help that I (and probably 80% of the rest of the people) was not familiar with the soundtrack (if that truly was their source).

Well at least when I got home, I was greeted with a new Logitech wireless mouse and my monthly manga loot. My old mouse was having spasms, couldn't understand single clicks thinking they were double clicks and couldn't hold on to anything long enough -- like an old man! But I've only had that mouse for less than a year. I filed a troubleshoot with Logitech and they concluded I need a new one, so here, my new one! It clicks a lot louder than my old one, but it works like a charm so far. No complaints here.

Only maybe that I'm really mentally tired from coming home late yesterday... Sounded like I missed some fun PQ runs in WAR yesterday night too...


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