Tango Appassionata

[Tuesday, July 15, 2008]

JttCotE.... then work

Watched Journey to the Center of the Earth (...JttCotE) Sunday night with Mo2 and Braman at the Empire in North Van (it was the only place that had it in all of Greater Van). We were originally hoping to catch a glimpse of Shi2 who's been avoiding any contact with us for a few months now. Unfortunately she wasn't working that night so pooey.

It was in 3D so we had to wear these thick, black-rimmed glasses (what happened to the old school cardboard paper glasses? ;o). Most of the trailers that came before the feature presentation were also 3D movies, so we got to watch those in 3D as well. Am I the only one who thinks the bugs in Fly Me to the Moon are ugly? Bolt looks fun to watch though.

I don't particularly like Brendan Fraser but hey, the movie was not bad overall. There were a few illogical parts like using your PSP wirelessly on an airplane, and literally falling straight down into the earth's core at gravity speed and NOT dying. Then (minor spoiler?) dinosaurs were wtf and somehow they snuck in some romance where it didn't belong.

No fear, there's Batman coming up.

Then the work week rolls around. I get to the office building to find the lights all off and a weird beeping going on - it was a power outage. It wasn't the first time this has happened so we sat around and waited for it to fix itself. It was taking longer than usual, so we decided to go out for a walk and grab some drinks. Since our whole block had no power, we walked up to Hastings and stopped at a coffee shop. I got myself a fruity mango slush drink, which wasn't that good actually. :( Another co-worker notices smoke coming out from a manhole nearby. I didn't think much of it cuz I've seen that before.

We took our drinks and headed to the "park" by the EA building. It was HOT. I didn't want to get burnt so I hid under my jacket which I luckily brought with me. I still got brown though. :( The shade was soggy too so there wasn't much choice. About an hour into the work day, we get a call from our boss telling us the power wasn't going to come back for a while, so we were told to work from home. We returned to the office, got briefed on our work and headed home.

When we all got settled down in the comfort of our own homes, we receive news that a circuit caught on fire underground and it was messy. The area became closed off, and they're in the process of fixing it right now, however it's quite the major problem. It's the second day and they predict they will be done by 11PM tonight. Good luck with that. I hope they don't so I can work from home again tomorrow!

So when I woke up today to check the status of the power outage, I get an email that I got accepted into Warhammer closed beta finally. Luckily being at home, I could start the download process as well. However, their update servers really suck. I've been downloading this one 1GB file for 3 1/2 hours. The download rate fluctuates erratically from 15kbps to 500kbps, usually staying in the low numbers. And then sometimes it would timeout and then you'd have to reopen the update again. Being not around my computer the whole time, I don't know when it will decide to timeout.

How annoying.

That's even more annoying than FFXI updates.


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